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A post-mortem, also known as a project retrospective, is a structured review process that IT project managers use to evaluate a project’s performance, identify lessons learned, and gather insights for continuous improvement. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct a post-mortem for an IT project:

1. Schedule the Post-Mortem:

  • Plan the post-mortem session shortly after the project’s completion. This ensures that details are still fresh in the participants’ minds.

2. Invite Participants:

  • Invite project team members, stakeholders, and key contributors to the post-mortem. Include representatives from various roles to get a comprehensive perspective.

3. Set the Agenda:

  • Define the objectives of the post-mortem, such as identifying successes, challenges, and areas for improvement. Share the agenda with participants in advance.

4. Create a Safe Environment:

  • Establish a non-blame, open environment where team members can freely discuss what worked well and what could be improved. Encourage constructive criticism.

5. Review Project Goals and Objectives:

  • Start by revisiting the project’s goals, objectives, scope, timeline, and budget. This helps participants recall the project’s initial intent.

6. Identify Successes:

  • Discuss and acknowledge the project’s successes, accomplishments, and achievements. Highlight areas where the team excelled.

7. Discuss Challenges:

  • Encourage participants to openly discuss challenges, roadblocks, and issues encountered during the project. Focus on understanding the root causes of these challenges.

8. Analyze Lessons Learned:

  • Encourage participants to share lessons learned from their experiences during the project. What worked well? What could have been done differently?

9. Use Structured Questions:

  • To guide the discussion, ask specific questions such as:
    • What were the key factors that contributed to the project’s success?
    • What were the major obstacles the team encountered?
    • Were there any unexpected issues that arose?
    • Were project risks effectively managed?
    • What tools, processes, or methodologies worked best?
    • What areas could be improved in terms of communication, collaboration, and project management?

10. Collaboratively Brainstorm Solutions:

  • For challenges and issues identified, work together to brainstorm potential solutions and improvements. Focus on actionable steps that can be applied in future projects.

11. Document Findings:

  • Assign someone to capture detailed notes during the discussion. Document the successes, challenges, lessons learned, and proposed solutions.

12. Prioritize Improvement Areas:

  • Discuss and prioritize the identified improvement areas. Determine which ones have the highest impact on future projects.

13. Develop an Action Plan:

  • Based on the prioritized improvement areas, create an action plan. Assign responsibilities for implementing the proposed changes.

14. Share Insights:

  • Share the post-mortem findings and action plan with the broader team and stakeholders. Transparency fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

15. Follow Up:

  • Regularly follow up on the progress of implementing the action plan. Monitor changes and track improvements.

Conducting a post-mortem is an essential practice for IT project managers to enhance project performance and refine processes for future endeavors. Emphasize the importance of learning from both successes and challenges to foster a culture of continuous improvement within your team.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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