Baseline your project

A baseline is a snapshot of your project plan at a specific point in time. It represents the original project schedule, including tasks, durations, start and finish dates, resource assignments, and costs, as they were initially planned. Baselines serve several important purposes in project management:

  1. Performance Measurement:
    • Baselines provide a reference point against which you can measure the actual project performance. As the project progresses, you can compare the baseline with the current schedule to see if the project is on track or if there are variances in terms of task durations, costs, and resource usage.
  2. Identifying Variances:
    • By comparing the baseline with the current project data, you can identify variances. This helps project managers quickly recognize deviations from the original plan, such as tasks that are behind schedule or over budget.
  3. Change Management:
    • Baselines are essential when managing project changes. When changes occur, you can assess their impact on the baseline to determine if they affect the project’s overall schedule, budget, or resource allocation. This helps in making informed decisions about change requests.
  4. Risk Management:
    • Baselines provide a basis for assessing project risks. If a risk materializes, you can evaluate its impact on the baseline to understand how it may affect the project’s performance.
  5. Performance Reporting:
    • Baselines are used for generating performance reports. These reports include visual representations of the project’s current status compared to the original plan, making it easier to communicate progress to stakeholders.
  6. Audit Trail:
    • Baselines serve as an audit trail. They document the initial project plan and help project managers demonstrate accountability and transparency in project management.

Once a baseline is set, you can track the variances between the baseline and the actual project performance, helping you keep your project on track and make informed decisions to address any issues or changes that arise during the project’s execution.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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