Project Control Steps

The project control involves four steps: setting a baseline plan, measuring progress and performance (including quality), comparing the plan against actuals, and taking action. These four steps are critical for effective project management in the IT domain. Let’s break down each step:

  1. Setting a Baseline Plan: At the outset of a project, establishing a baseline plan is fundamental. This plan encompasses the project scope, objectives, timelines, resources, and budget. It serves as the reference point against which actual progress is measured.
  2. Measuring Progress and Performance (Including Quality): Continuously monitor and track progress throughout the project lifecycle. This involves assessing how well the project is adhering to the baseline plan in terms of timelines, budget utilization, resource allocation, and, notably, quality of deliverables. Employing various metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) aids in quantifying and evaluating performance against predetermined benchmarks.
  3. Comparing the Plan Against the Actual: Regularly compare the actual project performance against the baseline plan. This comparison highlights any deviations or variances from the original plan. It’s crucial to identify whether these deviations are within acceptable limits or if they necessitate corrective action.
  4. Taking Action: Upon identifying variances between the plan and actual performance, prompt action is necessary. Addressing discrepancies may involve corrective actions to realign the project with the original plan, preventive measures to mitigate risks or prevent further variances, or changes to the project plan if deviations are significant. This step involves decision-making to bring the project back on track and ensure it aligns with predefined objectives.

These steps are iterative and continuous throughout the project lifecycle. They enable project managers to maintain control, make informed decisions, and proactively manage risks or issues that arise during the execution phase. Adherence to these control steps empowers project managers to effectively steer projects towards successful completion within scope, time, and budget constraints.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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