Improving on Status Calls with Clients

Improving your scheduled or ad-hoc update calls with clients is essential for maintaining transparency, managing expectations, and fostering strong client relationships. Here are some tips to enhance the effectiveness of your weekly update calls:

  1. Prepare an Agenda:
    • Create a structured agenda outlining the topics you’ll cover during the call, such as project progress, milestones achieved, upcoming deliverables, risks, and issues.
    • Share the agenda with the client in advance to set clear expectations and ensure alignment on discussion points.
  2. Be Concise and Focused:
    • Keep the update calls focused and concise to respect the client’s time. Avoid unnecessary tangents or lengthy discussions that detract from the main objectives.
    • Stick to the agenda and prioritize key updates and action items to ensure that important information is communicated efficiently.
  3. Provide Clear Updates:
    • Offer clear, transparent updates on project status, highlighting progress made since the last call, key achievements, and any changes to timelines or deliverables.
    • Use visual aids such as charts, graphs, or dashboards to present data and metrics in a clear and easily understandable format.
  4. Address Client Concerns:
    • Anticipate and address any concerns or questions the client may have regarding project progress, risks, or issues.
    • Actively listen to client feedback and demonstrate responsiveness by offering solutions or alternative approaches to address their concerns.
  5. Engage in Two-Way Communication:
    • Encourage active participation from the client by inviting questions, feedback, and input throughout the call.
    • Foster an open dialogue where both parties feel comfortable sharing insights, concerns, and ideas for improvement.
  6. Follow Up on Action Items:
    • Document action items and decisions made during the call, assigning responsibilities and deadlines as needed.
    • Follow up with clients after the call to provide any additional information or clarification and ensure that action items are being addressed promptly.
  7. Seek Continuous Improvement:
    • Solicit feedback from clients on the format, content, and effectiveness of the weekly update calls.
    • Use client feedback to refine your approach and make adjustments as necessary to enhance the overall experience and value of the calls.

By implementing these strategies, you can elevate the quality of your weekly update calls with clients, strengthen communication and collaboration, and ultimately drive better project outcomes.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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