Requirements Elicitation vs. Requirements Gathering

As a project manager or business analyst, both requirements gathering and requirements elicitation are crucial steps in the project initiation phase, but they involve different approaches and methodologies:

  1. Requirements Elicitation:
    • Requirements elicitation is the process of discovering, identifying, and understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders regarding the project.
    • This phase involves various techniques such as interviews, surveys, workshops, brainstorming sessions, and observation to gather information directly from stakeholders.
    • The focus is on engaging stakeholders to extract information about their needs, preferences, constraints, and priorities related to the project.
    • Requirements elicitation aims to establish clear communication channels between the project team and stakeholders, ensuring that all relevant perspectives are considered and understood.
  2. Requirements Gathering:
    • Requirements gathering, on the other hand, involves collecting, documenting, and organizing the information obtained through requirements elicitation activities.
    • This phase focuses on structuring and formalizing the gathered requirements into a comprehensive and coherent set of documents or artifacts.
    • Requirements gathering typically includes techniques such as documenting stakeholder requirements, creating user stories, developing use cases, and specifying functional and non-functional requirements.
    • The goal of requirements gathering is to create a detailed and unambiguous understanding of what needs to be delivered by the project, serving as a basis for subsequent project planning, design, and development activities.

In summary, while requirements elicitation focuses on engaging stakeholders to understand their needs and expectations, requirements gathering involves organizing and documenting the elicited requirements in a structured manner. Both processes are essential for ensuring that the project team has a clear understanding of stakeholder requirements, which ultimately contributes to the successful delivery of the project.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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