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Virtual Activity: Agile Team Simulation

Are you looking for a virtual team activity to teach people about agile project management?

Objective: To simulate an agile project management environment where participants experience the principles of collaboration, iteration, and adaptability.

Materials Needed:

  1. Virtual collaboration platform (e.g., Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet)
  2. Online whiteboard tool (e.g., Miro, MURAL)
  3. Timer
  4. Scrum board template (if using an online whiteboard)


  1. Setup:
    • Schedule a virtual meeting for all participants.
    • Prepare an online whiteboard space with a Scrum board template or create columns labeled “To Do,” “In Progress,” and “Done” to represent the workflow.
  2. Introduction (5 minutes):
    • Welcome participants and introduce the objectives of the activity: to experience agile project management principles in action.
    • Provide a brief overview of agile methodology, including the concepts of iterations, sprints, and self-organizing teams.
  3. Team Formation (3 minutes):
    • Divide participants into virtual teams of 4-6 members each.
  4. Project Kickoff (5 minutes):
    • Present the hypothetical project scenario to the teams. For example, developing a new mobile app or organizing a virtual event.
    • Clarify the project goals, requirements, and constraints.
  5. Sprint Planning (7 minutes):
    • Instruct each team to conduct a sprint planning session to identify tasks for the upcoming sprint.
    • Encourage teams to prioritize tasks and estimate their effort using story points or similar units.
  6. Sprint Execution (10 minutes):
    • Start the timer for a 10-minute sprint.
    • Teams work collaboratively to complete the tasks they identified during sprint planning.
    • Participants update the Scrum board in real-time to reflect the progress of their tasks.
  7. Daily Stand-up (5 minutes):
    • Pause the sprint execution halfway through for a virtual daily stand-up meeting.
    • Each team member briefly shares:
      • What they accomplished since the last stand-up
      • What they plan to accomplish next
      • Any obstacles or challenges they’re facing
  8. Sprint Review and Retrospective (10 minutes):
    • End the sprint after 10 minutes and conduct a sprint review.
    • Each team presents their progress, demonstrating completed tasks and discussing any unfinished work.
    • Facilitate a brief retrospective discussion, allowing teams to reflect on what went well, what could be improved, and any adjustments they plan to make for the next sprint.
  9. Conclusion (5 minutes):
    • Wrap up the activity by summarizing the key learnings from the simulation.
    • Emphasize the importance of collaboration, adaptability, and continuous improvement in agile project management.
  10. Follow-Up:
    • Provide participants with additional resources or reading materials on agile project management for further exploration.

This virtual activity provides participants with a hands-on experience of agile project management in a collaborative and interactive setting.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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