The Friday Afternoon Client Update

Do you love sending an email on a Friday afternoon updating the great work that was accomplished on your project? Providing a Friday afternoon update to recap the week’s activities is a great way to keep stakeholders informed and aligned. Here are some helpful tips to make these updates effective:

  1. Be Concise: Keep the update concise and to the point. Avoid overwhelming stakeholders with excessive details. Highlight the most important achievements, milestones reached, and any challenges encountered.
  2. Use a Structured Format: Use a structured format for your update to ensure clarity and consistency. Consider including sections such as accomplishments, challenges, upcoming milestones, and action items.
  3. Focus on Key Highlights: Highlight key achievements and milestones from the week. Celebrate successes and acknowledge the contributions of team members. This helps boost morale and motivation.
  4. Address Challenges Proactively: Don’t shy away from discussing challenges or setbacks encountered during the week. Be transparent about any issues and provide updates on how they are being addressed. This demonstrates accountability and transparency.
  5. Provide Next Steps: Outline the next steps and upcoming milestones for the project. This helps stakeholders understand what to expect in the coming weeks and keeps everyone aligned on the project timeline and objectives.
  6. Include Actionable Items: Identify any action items or follow-up tasks that need to be addressed. Assign responsibilities and deadlines as needed to ensure accountability and progress.
  7. Use Visual Aids: Consider using visual aids such as charts, graphs, or progress trackers to illustrate progress and key metrics. Visuals can help stakeholders quickly grasp the status of the project and understand complex information.
  8. Invite Feedback: Encourage stakeholders to provide feedback or ask questions about the update. This fosters open communication and ensures that everyone is on the same page.
  9. Be Positive and Engaging: Maintain a positive and engaging tone in your update. Show enthusiasm for the project and inspire confidence in the team’s abilities to overcome challenges and achieve success.
  10. Set the Tone for the Weekend: End the week on a positive note by expressing gratitude for the team’s hard work and dedication. Wish everyone a great weekend and encourage them to recharge for the week ahead.

By following these tips, you can create effective Friday afternoon updates that keep stakeholders informed, engaged, and aligned with the project’s progress.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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