Tips for Preparing for a Last Minute Call

As a PM, sometimes we have to attend a call with little notice. Preparing for a customer meeting requires quick, focused actions to ensure you’re ready to engage effectively. Here are some tips to help you make the most of those last few minutes:

1. Review Key Points

  • Agenda: Quickly scan the meeting agenda to refresh your memory on the main topics of discussion.
  • Objectives: Remind yourself of the primary goals for the meeting. What do you need to accomplish?

2. Customer Background

  • Customer Info: Glance at your notes or CRM to recall key details about the customer, such as recent interactions, ongoing projects, and any issues or preferences they have expressed.
  • Key Stakeholders: Remember who will be on the call and their roles in the customer’s organization.

3. Key Data and Documents

  • Relevant Documents: Ensure that all necessary documents, such as proposals, reports, or previous meeting notes, are open and easily accessible.
  • Numbers and Stats: Be ready with any critical data points or metrics that might come up during the discussion.

4. Tech Check

  • Connection: Verify that your internet connection is stable and that your meeting software (Zoom, Teams, etc.) is working correctly.
  • Equipment: Make sure your microphone, camera, and headset are functioning properly.

5. Personal Preparation

  • Mindset: Take a moment to clear your mind and focus on the meeting. A few deep breaths can help reduce stress and improve concentration.
  • Appearance: If the meeting includes video, ensure you’re presentable and that your background is tidy.

6. Prepare Questions and Points

  • Questions: Have a few questions ready that demonstrate your engagement and interest in the customer’s needs and feedback.
  • Talking Points: Jot down key points you want to cover to ensure you stay on track during the meeting.

7. Contingency Plan

  • Backup Plan: Be prepared for potential issues. Know what to do if you encounter technical difficulties or if the meeting goes off track.

8. Set Up Your Environment

  • Quiet Space: Ensure your environment is free from distractions and background noise.
  • Necessary Tools: Have a pen and paper or a digital note-taking tool ready to capture important points during the meeting.

By following these tips, you can make the most of the 10 minutes before your customer meeting and set yourself up for a productive and successful call.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sandra

    Great article.

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