How a New Customer Should Present Their Requirements for a New Project

  1. Define Objectives:
    • Clearly state the project’s goals and what you aim to achieve.
  2. Scope of Work:
    • Outline the project’s scope, including major deliverables and boundaries.
  3. Detailed Requirements:
    • Provide specific details on functional and non-functional requirements, such as features, performance standards, and compliance needs.
  4. Timeline:
    • Indicate key milestones and deadlines for project phases.
  5. Budget:
    • Offer a clear understanding of budget constraints and financial expectations.
  6. Stakeholders:
    • Identify all key stakeholders and their roles in the project.
  7. Success Criteria:
    • Define what success looks like and how it will be measured.
  8. Constraints and Risks:
    • Highlight any known constraints, potential risks, and mitigation strategies.


Presenting requirements in this structured way ensures clarity, alignment, and a solid foundation for project planning and execution. This helps the project team understand your needs accurately and deliver a successful project.


Project Manager, Business Analyst, Artist, and Creator.

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